Tuesday, August 4, 2009

PRESS: A Cross-Cultural Literary Anthology

PRESS: A Cross-Cultural Literary Anthology, is now online as the current issue of Wheelhouse Magazine Online. It commemorates the PRESS: Activism and the Avant-Garde conference that I was part of at Evergreen College in Olympia, Washington, in May 2008, and features work by many of the great writers invited to that event.

My own work in the anthology is not the fairly long poem I read at the conference, a piece from The End of America, Book 2, which was certainly more directly related to the concerns of the event. But the anthology does contain several pieces from my collection Party In My Body, which as of yet has never appeared as a book.

Great thanks to David Wolach and Elizabeth Williamson for their hard work on the conference, and to all the other students and professors who participated in ensuring that the conference was fascinating and worthwhile for all involved.


David Wolach said...

Thank you, Mark, and everyone who contributed to the conference. Had a blast, and the students loved your reading, Lorraine's, and the other guests' readings.

Glad yr over the jet lag.

David Wolach
Editor, Wheelhouse Magazine & Press

Spooninmybrain said...

Sounded like a great reading and fantastic conference!